Views from Heaven and Hell(on Earth)

A simple DPRK swimming pool. This is irrefutable proof of Dear Leaders love of the people. Where else but the DPRK can every child have a pool like this in their own garden. It in only through Juche and Songun policies that these simple pleasures are available to the masses. The peerlessly brilliant leader has built the strong Korean style man centered socialist nation.

I hate sneaky, wicked Koreans. I hate chinks and I hate Japs as well!!!
Let them all burn, BURN BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First, deport them all.
Second, NUKE 'EM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I HATE them. I really do.
We could all too easily extend the global War on Terror to you people.
It'd be funny to imagine you cowering under your boxsprings as we decimate your cities, towns, villages and hamlets.
We could easily deliver a nice large rocket to Kim's currupt, wicked nation of savages.
But look at our lovely pools. You are just jealous of our invincibly strong socialist nation with nice pools.
We Americans aren't jealous of no one.
We could take the world out one by one or all at once if we so choose.
dumb crazy guk.
Once again our Hero has put the truth
into the spotlight for the world to see that the Juche nation is superior in every way to the Jap hordes.
Japan is giving you guys a lot of mercy now.
We guys have Japan's back, and should there ever be any kind of altercation, I can assure that North Korea would annihilated utterly.
Time to put up and give up, you STINKING GUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're all as stupid as you're hideous.
What a stupid bunch the guks are. Jeez.
You are very jealous because Dear Leader invented the pool and the breast stroke!
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