Just remember it is on this the day of our Great Leaders birth that the peerlessly great man struck a blow at imperialist warmongers by smashing the RMS Titanic, the so-called "unsinkable" ship. It is a legendary feat, performed from the cradle, that all world progressives hold dear to thier hearts. This singlehanded feat ushered in a new era of peace and love.
Mansae! Mansae! Mansae!
Mansae! Mansae! Mansae!
now you're suggesting that kim il sung sunk the titanic? bro, you litle north koreans are freakin killing me over here. keep up the vastly amusing work.
Comrade Adam does not believe that the peerlessly great master of Juche science Comrade Great Leader Kim Il Sung could destroy the imperialist Jap mongering man-of-war Titanic with his telekinetic abilities. Comrade Adam should reflect on the greatness of Kim Il Sung and the invincible Juche science.
KJI was born in 1942. The Titanic sank in 1912. Hmmmm...
Hero...why do you hate math?
amerasian, clearly there is no Korean blood flowing in your veins. Great Leader is Kim Il Sung not Kim Jong Il. Kim Jong Il is Dear Leader you uneducated savage of the bush/cheney type.
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