Rodong Sinmun on Undying Exploits of Kim Il Sung in Leading National Reunification Movement
Pyongyang, April 9 (KCNA) -- The whole life of President Kim Il Sung was the noblest and most brilliant life in which he devoted his all to the country and the nation and performed immortal, great exploits in the cause of the reunification of the country, says Rodong Sinmun in an article Monday.
Noting that the President is the eternal sun of the Korean nation who provided the nation with precious ideological and theoretical wealth which the nation should invariably cherish, regarding it as the unswerving guideline till the day when it will achieve the reunification of the country, the author of the article goes on:
The President showed the most correct way for achieving the reunification of the country and pioneered the cause of it by putting forward the Juche-oriented idea and line of reunification.
On the basis of a correct analysis of and insight into the complex and arduous nature of the solution of the reunification question and the specific reality and condition of the country, the President set forth the most correct principles and ways of reunification from the unshakable Juche-oriented viewpoint and stand.
The three principles of independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity advanced by the President are a great programme of national reunification which clarifies the main stand and ways to achieve reunification in conformity with the demand and interests of the Korean nation, the master of the issue, and by its own efforts.
The President laid down the 10-point programme of great national unity by codifying the idea and theory of great national unity.
He also indicated the most realistic and rational way for realizing national reunification by the federal formula based on one nation and one state, two systems and two governments in keeping with the condition that there exist different ideologies and systems in the north and the south of Korea.
The proposal for founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo is the way for most fairly and smoothly realizing the reunification of the country on the basis of allowing each other's ideologies and systems in the north and the south.
The three principles of national reunification, the ten-point programme of great national unity and the proposal for founding the DFRK consummating and systemizing as a whole the main principles and ways of national reunification indicated by the President are the three charters for national reunification which should be invariably maintained and carried through, no matter how the situation and the circumstances may change till the day when the Korean nation will accomplish the cause of reunification.
The outstanding leadership of the President served as an invincible treasured sword guaranteeing the victorious progress of the cause of national reunification and its accomplishment.
At the head of the struggle for reunification, the President left traces of undying feats so that the reunification movement could vigorously develop along the orbit of independence, dealing hard blows to the moves of reactionaries at home and abroad.
The President embraced all the fellow countrymen with his boundlessly warm love for the nation and broad magnanimity and led them along the road of unity and reunification.
The cause of national reunification pioneered and led by the President has reached a new, higher stage of historical development under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il. Thanks to the outstanding and tested leadership of Kim Jong Il, the precious exploits performed by the President in the cause of national reunification will be immortal and the President's behests on national reunification will surely be realized.
By the way this is Commie h8r, but the login is being a retard and wont recognise my password.
8/4/07 15:52"