Dear Leader save South "Fake" Korea, a well known hell on earth from persistent drought.
Dear Leader the worlds foremost humanitarian, in a historic display of juche ferver, made the rains come and sent the surplus rain south to relieve the human suffering in the so-called south. All this while George bush, the worlds worst human and feline rights abuser, stole all the worlds water to lord it over the world people. But not Dear Leader the lodestar of the 20th and 21st centuries. Mansae! Mansae! Mansae!BEFORE

Mansae, mansae Comrades. These pictures are absolute proof that evil Bush has stolen the world's water and the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il has saved the day by making the rains come through his stupendous powers of weather control.
Is this the best you can do? These are obviously two different places, one in a desert and the other in the Andes Mountains.
In fact, if you look at the picture's links, first is from Namibia desert and the second is from China. Nothing special from these guys who also posted a Samsung clothes laundry macine as a nk aundry macine.
Do to the imperialist aggressors war mongering and lording over of the internet and pictures, Dear Leader in his infinite wisdom has decided to host some information on foreign servers to fool the lap dogs of bush and his extremist Kabul of cat abusing warmongers. This is another immortal feat of songun politics comrades. MANSAE! MANSAE! MANSAE!
The trolls have killed this blog.
Kim Jong Il Greets Roh Moo Hyun
Pyongyang, October 2 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il on Tuesday greeted south Korean President Roh Moo Hyun on a visit to Pyongyang.
The streets of the capital city were wrapped in a festive mood.
The meeting of the top leaders of the north and the south will mark an event of weighty significance in boosting the inter-Korean relations to a new higher stage on the basis of the historic June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and in the spirit of "By our nation itself" and opening up a new phase for achieving peace on the Korean Peninsula, prosperity common to the nation and national reunification.
Pyongyangites from all walks of life lined up at the plaza in front of the April 25 House of Culture where flags of the DPRK were seen fluttering.
When Kim Jong Il appeared at the plaza, the crowd broke into thunderous cheers of "Hurrah!" rocking the earth and sky.
Present there were Kim Yong Il, premier of the Cabinet, Kim Il Chol, minister of the People's Armed Forces, Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the Supreme People's Assembly, Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the SPA Presidium, Kim Ki Nam, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Kang Sok Ju, first vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, Kim Yong Dae, chairman of the Central Committee of the Korean Social Democratic Party, and leading officials of the party, armed forces and power organs, working people's organizations, ministries and national institutions.
At noon, a limousine carrying Kim Yong Nam, president of the SPA Presidium, and President Roh Moo Hyun arrived at the plaza after passing through tens of ri-long route amid the welcome of the crowd.
Amidst the playing of the welcome music, the crowd welcomed Roh Moo Hyun, waving bouquets.
Kim Jong Il exchanged a handshake and greetings with Roh Moo Hyun.
Roh Moo Hyun is accompanied by Minister of Finance and Economy Kwon O Gyu, Minister of Science and Technology Kim U Sik, Minister of Unification Ri Jae Jong, Minister of National Defence Kim Jang Su, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Im Sang Gyu, Minister of Health and Welfare Pyon Jae Jin, Director of the National Intelligence Service Kim Man Bok and other suite members and reporters.
A function took place at the plaza in welcome of Roh Moo Hyun.
Kim Jong Il and Roh Moo Hyun reviewed the guard of honor of the three services of the Korean People's Army.
Women workers presented bouquets to Roh Moo Hyun and his wife.
Kim Jong Il and Roh Moo Hyun waved back to the enthusiastically welcoming crowd, passing before them.
who says south korea is a "well-known hell on earth?"
and by the way: LARGE BODIES OF WATER DO NOT APPEAR SPONTANEOUSLY IN THE MIDDLE OF DESERTS. not even kim jong-il's godly powers of weather control, which, by the way, is complete bullshit. the dear leader is not a god. he is a human. he cannot call rain from the sky. sorry to dash your dreams, but it's time you stopped soaking up everything that the north korean institutions tell you.
oh i get it. this is a parody site. :-) sorry i was slow.
John, you made me laugh:)) Really! I have wondered myself many times if these blogs are parodies or not. But I am afraid they are not. Those who write them are parody people but unfortunately they don't know it!
Manse! lol!
What peace? What freedom? You write like 3 year old. Has bush stolen your vital organs? Guard them preciously comrades, he seeks to steal your eardrums and cuticles.
You guys are all such losers, and wimps to boot.
This was all a game, and you all thought you were so very clever.
And now it's not fun anymore, and you've moved on to your next act of intellectual masturbation.
That's why America has turned its back on the GOP.
Full of losers like you all.
Amerikkkans are turning their backs on the so-called GOP because these blogs highlight the immortal feats of Dear Leader and the WPK. Worldwide humankind people are joined in single minded unity in opposing the Bush/Obama agenda of worldwide domination and plans to lord it over them. understand that obama isn't in the GOP.......right...?
oh, and Hero of Mount Paektu, i like your avatar. you do realize that you ripped off obama, right? so much for juche.
Dear Leader doesn't steal. Theft is not necessary in DPRK, a paradise on earth. Dear Leader provides in abundance for the people. My avatar was created by Dear Leader himself. That sycophant running-dog Obama, who has never won even one battle stole the intellectual property of DPRK. This was a boldfaced attempt to appeal to world wide progressive humankind people. But they know what kind of racist, puppy hating warmonger he is and nobody like him anyway. All world people rally around Dear Leader in single mindeed unity and protect him with even their own lives. Nobody does this for obama who makes a war racket and is the worlds worst human rights abuser!
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