On this date the imperialist warmongers started the so-called "Korean" war!
Here is photographic proof that they crossed into peaceful DPRK, without provocation. Furthermore you will see the sign is in english, the language of warmonger barbarian savages. This proves that the bushist forces divided our peaceful land and invaded the DPRK. Great Leader with one wave of his hand cast them into the sea at Pusan with no outside help whatsoever. Great Leader be praised. Mansae! Mansae! Mansae!
No outside help huh? You'd better hope that no one from the Chinese government reads this. But then again your stupidity will make them not care anyway. Everyone knows that the DPRK started the Korean War including the Chinese, and the Soviet's who at the time were your two major allies. Don't bother trying to convince anyone otherwise. Unlike the DPRK citizens, I am not helpless, I have access to information about the world, and most importantly, I am free. If you want to kep thinking that the Kims are the heroes of mankind, that's fine by me, as I have posted before, it is hard for anyone to accept that what they have been raised to believe was a big lie. However, don't go around trying to convince anyone that what you think is true, it won't work, you'll only be making more enemies.
It is well documented that the Communists of the fake North Korea launched an unprovoked attack against
against Korea.
The side with english sign is South Korea and the trucks crosses the bridge from North Korea. How did anybody thinks that in North Korea there are english signs?
It shows the american warmonger lap dogs of the jap type running back to their side of the boarder after Great Leader cast them out of the free and liberal [paradise, DPRK.
There is no reason to get angry. Anger is a very good way of completely de-railing the process of pure reason. What we can do with reason, however, is evaluate your proof - not merely of the beginnings of the war, but all other proof on this blog. What I mean by this is that it is all photographic. I cannot tell from a picture of trucks - which are probably american, but there is little proof of that in the picture aside from a general familiarity of an old truck - crossing the 38th parrallel whether they are crossing south to north or north to south, since one can surely cross a parallel in iether direction. I cannot tell the date from this picture - it does not appear to be winter, however, so if it is a picture of retreat, it was probably not taken in the retreat of december 1950. It does not even have to be a picture of any major military movement - it is very possible that it is a picture of a minor convoy, moving to support an active unit on one side of the perimiter or the other. The same is true of all the pictures on your sight: just from looking at them, I cannot tell whether I am looking at a village in south korea, or in hungary, tukey or peru. For all I can tell, it may be a row of hovels in North Korea. The same is true of the pictures of the pool and the washing machine. In short, you have no evidence. If you wich to convince somebody of truth, turn to reason - make it so that anyone who truly ponders on the things you say might fully know the truth. If you wish to convince somebody of truth do not do as you have done; do not say what you believe over and over, like a mantra. Do not insult individuals, and do not insult nations. Most of all, do not insult the intelligence of any human being you wish to agree with you. We can build our fortresses out of reason, we can stand behind walls of evidence, we can fight with swords of truth. But it is foolish to stand behind pictures and call them reason.
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