A sample gathering of a diverse group of world wide humankind progressive people demonstrating filial loyalty to the Dear Leader
All humankind progressive peoples of the Korean style socialist type are united around the party and Dear Leader in single minded unity to build the great, prosperous and powerful nation. Dear Leader takes great care to go around the whole country giving on the spot guidance to improve production on the scientific footing.
Meanwhile in the so-called west, decadent, jaywalking, drug addicted, racist, jap loving, reactionary mothers continue to give their children herpes and terrible names . Like "Stiller Lesser" and "Jeju-Do"
Meanwhile in the so-called west, decadent, jaywalking, drug addicted, racist, jap loving, reactionary mothers continue to give their children herpes and terrible names . Like "Stiller Lesser" and "Jeju-Do"
A typical jap loving, rascist, warmonger of the Bush/Obama type of human rights abusers and cat haters.